Mindful Creation


I’m Reuben Lowe

I am the founder of Mindful Creation and the registered charity ACT On It. I teach simple tools for modern living on multiple well-respected platforms.

I am currently designing and standardising the acceptance commitment therapy (ACT) programs throughout Australia for Healthscope.

I am the ACT Programs Co-ordinator for Healthscope, working as a mindfulness-based therapist at one of the largest health clinics in the Southern Hemisphere.

This is about being part of the positive change that’s going on in the world right now.


Who I Work With


I am currently designing and standardising the acceptance commitment therapy (ACT) programs for Healthscope throughout Australia. I also work in the clinical setting for people with a range of clinical disorders including those with addictive behaviours.


I give talks and workshops to the corporate sector. My work with Microsoft is based around enhancing connections amongst teams, helping people reduce stress, and to increase values-based living.

The Asian Leadership Institute

The Asian Leadership Institute creates wise leaders and high-performing teams that form the bedrock of a thriving organisation. I work as a facilitator, creating lasting business impact through coaching journeys and online programs that leverage the power of peer feedback and group coaching.

Who I Work With

Published Teacher

The Mindfulness App

Published Teacher

Insight Timer

ACT Therapist & Spiritual Life Coach


Narrator & Content Creator

Petit Bambou

Our App

Mindfulness: 22
I founded Mindful Creation, a company that provides tools for modern living, to enhance meaningful connection. Our slogan is ‘Be part of the change’.

Through Mindful Creation, I created ‘Mindfulness: The Art of Being Human’, a free mindfulness app which has guided meditations and insights into the human mind and behaviour.

My Courses

I have been teaching and collaborating on a number of the world’s leading mindfulness apps for 5 years. Here are some of my published courses on Insight Timer that are currently receiving some of the highest ratings on this app.

That Course For Couples

This course is for couples of any age. It focuses upon your strengths, sharing the benefits of having fun, supporting each other, being affectionate, and deepening intimacy.

Tools for Self-Growth

Simple, concise, easy-to-use and easy-to-teach tools for modern living. Tools that help us all to be part of the change and grow together.

For Kids: The Tale of the Mysterious Mist

This kids’ course uses the power of story telling to offer insights into detaching from unhelpful thinking, opening up to unnecessary fears, and learning to follow your intuition.

For Kids: Things On The Inside

Unlock your child’s ability to use the wonder and wisdom of intuition to bravely an mindfully face opportunities and challenges in their lives.

My Live Events & Workshops

I am currently running live events four times a week on platforms including Insight Timer and social media. These live events attract around 200-300 participants per session.


Unhooking From Unhelpful Thinking


Self-Compassion Made Simple


Deepening Mindfulness


When Times Are Tough


Never Mind Your Mind


Being Okay With Not Being Okay


Parents: Helping Kids With Their Thoughts & Feelings


Change Is In The Air

My Presentations

As a co-ordinator of the Acceptance Commitment Therapy (ACT) programs at The Melbourne Clinic, I was pleased to be able to present at two of the Association of Contextual Behavioural Science World Conferences. The first in 2014 in Minneapolis, USA. The second in 2018 in Montreal, Canada

Our Registered Australian Charity

I founded ‘ACT on it’ a registered charity in Melbourne, Australia. The organisation is a registered charity with ACNC and run by volunteers.

ACT On It’s activities are based around Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT), which is an evidence-based therapy derived from contextual psychology.

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy incorporates mindfulness practices, builds emotional resilience, and teaches people to manage their thoughts and feelings, especially in challenging times.

ACT On It aims to use technology to give teens access to simple and fun psycho-social interventions via digital means, to help them grow into strong and responsible adults.

The organisation aims to reach teenagers who might not easily access clinical care, with tools that can also be used by psychologists complementary to clinical care.
actonit SCREEN


I am passionate about creating impact and a change in the world. If you are interested in collaborating in some way:

My courses for young people have given kids essential life skills about their thoughts and feelings that they don’t learn at school. My ‘When Times Are Tough’ series have helped thousands of people and continue to do so every day.

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PO BOX 1340, Kensington, Melbourne, Victoria 3031, AU

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